Recent notices sent out by the IRS for victims of identity theft refer to tax year 2014 in error. These one-time use PINs are for the 2015 tax year. Here is what you need to know.
If you are one of the unfortunate victims of IRS identity theft you will need a one-time PIN to file your tax return. Without this numeric identifier your 2015 tax return will be rejected. The IRS issues taxpayer victims this PIN in a written notice.
What has happened
IRS notices that have this one-time PIN are hitting mailboxes of identity theft victims right now. This is notice CP01A. The tax year printed on the notice may be 2014, when the PIN is to be used for your 2015 tax return. This mistake is causing confusion among taxpayers.
What to do
Do not throw out the notice! This PIN is for your 2015 tax return. Without it you cannot file this year’s tax return.
File your tax return. When tax return filing opens on January 19th, you can file your tax return. This PIN must be entered on your tax form to be accepted by the IRS.
The IRS knows of the mistake. They will not be issuing new forms. Here is their announcement on the error: