The Standard Deduction May Be Costing You – This technique could save you plenty Many taxpayers default to the standard deduction when filing their tax return because of its simplicity. Unfortunately, this often creates a higher tax bill. Here is a tip to ensure it does not happen to you. Only about a third of Americans file income tax returns using itemized deductions. Unfortunately many of those who don’t itemize …Read More
Avoid a Debt Settlement Tax Surprise
Avoid a Debt Settlement Tax Surprise Reaching a settlement on your debt comes with important tax consequences. The number of Americans struggling with high debt is increasing, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve. U.S. household debt reached a new record this spring, the central bank said, with the average indebted household owing more than $16,000 on their credit cards. Seeking debt forgiveness from lenders is one option to try to …Read More
Avoid the 10% Early Withdrawal Penalty – What every Traditional IRA owner should know
Avoid the 10% Early Withdrawal Penalty – What every Traditional IRA owner should know While it is not a good idea to tap retirement accounts prior to retirement age, sometimes it cannot be avoided. What can often be avoided, however, is the punitive 10% penalty for early fund distributions. Outlined here are exceptions to the 10% penalty rule for Traditional IRAs. It is one thing to be taxed on retirement …Read More
Understanding Tax Terms: Basis – Covering the bases on basis
Understanding Tax Terms: Basis – Covering the bases on basis This commonly used tax term is anything but common to most of us. Knowing the basics of basis can serve to lower your tax obligation when you sell property. Basis is a common IRS term, but probably does not enter into your everyday conversation. This IRS term is important because it impacts the taxes you pay when you sell, exchange …Read More
Private Agencies Now Collecting for IRS – Your scam alert should be on high
Private Agencies Now Collecting for IRS – Your scam alert should be on high The IRS recently announced its outside collection agencies are now actively collecting past due tax bills. This will impact all of us. Here is what you need to know In a recent announcement, the IRS notified all taxpayers that outside collection of past-due tax bills is now beginning in mid-April 2017. This is a direct result …Read More
Tax Tips for Those Getting Married – Know someone getting married? Send them this tip now.
If you recently got married, plan to get married, or know someone taking the matrimonial plunge, here are some important tax tips every new bride and groom should know. Notify Social Security. Notify the Social Security Administration (SSA) of any name changes by filling out Form SS-5. The IRS matches names with the SSA and may reject your joint tax return if the names don’t match what the SSA has on …Read More
Five Steps to Take if You’re Audited
Five Steps to Take if You’re Audited Getting audited is no one’s idea of a good time, yet you can get through it if you take the right approach. Getting audited is no one’s idea of a good time, yet you can minimize the stress if you take the right approach. Step 1: Understand why and when. While it’s possible you were selected randomly, it’s more likely you were selected for …Read More
Your next audit may be an “audit lite” – The IRS is handling more reviews with form letters
Your next audit may be an “audit lite” – The IRS is handling more reviews with form letters In-person audits with an IRS agent are becoming more uncommon. The IRS is instead handling their reviews through form letters called correspondence audits. Here is what you need to know. In-person audits with an IRS agent are becoming more uncommon. The IRS is instead handling many routine reviews through form letters called …Read More
Taxpayers to forfeit more than $1 billion in refunds – Are you one of them?
Taxpayers to forfeit more than $1 billion in refunds – Are you one of them? The IRS disclosed there will be more than $1 billion in federal tax refunds forfeited this year if taxpayers don’t claim them by April 18. The IRS disclosed there will be more than $1 billion in federal tax refunds forfeited this year if taxpayers don’t claim them by April 18. Refunds have to be claimed …Read More
Tax Credits versus Tax Deductions – Which is worth more to you?
Tax Credits versus Tax Deductions – Which is worth more to you? Deduct this or take a Tax credits? Which is worth more to you? Often the answer is not as simple as you think. Every industry and profession has common terms that are used so often those of us in the business often forget that most people do not have the depth of understanding that a person working within …Read More