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Privacy Policy

General Privacy

Hallmark Accountants are committed to protecting your privacy. Hallmark Accountants will, on written request, disclose to you any customer information that we have gathered about you. Hallmark Accountants will give you the opportunity to correct any information we hold..

Personal information collected

No personal information is collected when browsing web pages or using calculators within this site. Hallmark Accountants reserve the right to save information using a browser “cookie” as part of providing a personalized service. However, you cannot be identified by means of a cookie and can choose to accept, reject or delete a cookie. Some online applications or services provided within this web site require personal information to be entered. These systems have their own terms, privacy statements and policies in addition to the information contained within this document and you are advised to check each one carefully before deciding whether to proceed. .


Email addresses are required in order to register for features such as the newsletter service. All emails contain instructions to unsubscribe where appropriate..

Disclosure to third parties

Hallmark Accountants will not disclose your email address, name, postal address or any data that could identify you to a third party without first receiving your permission. In general, most online applications provide an opt-in box asking if you would like to receive email notifications from us and selected third parties.


Hallmark Accountants take steps to ensure that your information is treated securely and uses encryption and authentication to protect sensitive information. The Internet is an open system, we cannot guarantee that personal information you have entered will not be intercepted and decrypted by others and will not be liable in the event this does occur. Any information you transmit to us is done so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we will use our best efforts to ensure its security on our systems..

Links to third party web sites

Links from our website to third party web sites are provided for convenience only. Hallmark Accountants are not responsible for the content, accuracy or availability of the information provided on a third party site, nor are we liable in the event any link fails to operate. Inclusion of such links does not imply an endorsement or recommendation by us of the content on such sites or any association with their operators

E-mail: ajhall@hcpagrp.com