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Tag Archives: Estimated tax

Reminder. 4th Quarter Estimated Taxes are Now Due – Now is the time to make your estimated tax payment

Reminder. 4th Quarter Estimated Taxes are Now Due – Now is the time to make your estimated tax payment Plan now to make your 4th quarter estimated tax payment If you have not already done so, now is the time to review your tax situation and make an estimated quarterly tax payment using Form 1040-ES. The fourth quarter due date is now here. Normal due date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 …Read More

Don’t Forget Your Estimated Payment

With all the new tax changes taking place this year, it is more important than ever to make quarterly estimated tax payments to avoid potential penalties. The tax filing deadline is upon us. The sense of relief that another 1040 form is filed is like lifting a weight from your shoulders. But wait! April 15th is also the 1st quarter estimated tax due date for 2013! So how do you …Read More