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Tag Archives: Tax Terms

Understanding Tax Terms: Structuring – IRS has broad authority to seize bank accounts

Understanding Tax Terms: Structuring IRS has broad authority to seize bank accounts The IRS has broad powers to seize bank accounts if it believes there is criminal activity and you are actively trying to avoid their financial transaction reporting requirements. Here is what you should know. Understanding Tax Terms: Structuring If someone manipulates cash transactions to avoid required bank reporting to the Treasury Department, they are using the technique of …Read More

Understanding Tax Terms: All those 1099’s – Be prepared to file your tax return

Understanding Tax Terms: All those 1099’s – Be prepared to file your tax return So many 1099’s. How do you keep them all straight? Here is a quick review of the most common 1099’s to help you prepare to file your tax return Most taxpayers receive at least one 1099 each year. Virtually every small business, including sole-proprietors, must issue at least one 1099 each year. Here is a summary …Read More